Nabór 2024 na studia I stopnia - ścieżka dla cudzoziemców

zmień rekrutację anuluj wybór

Oferta prezentowana na tej stronie ograniczona jest do wybranej rekrutacji. Jeśli chcesz zobaczyć resztę oferty, wybierz inną rekrutację.

Zarządzanie, studia niestacjonarne

Kod ZOZ_N1
Jednostka organizacyjna Politechnika Śląska
Kierunek studiów Zarządzanie
Forma studiów Niestacjonarne
Poziom kształcenia Pierwszego stopnia
Profil studiów ogólnoakademicki
Języki wykładowe polski
Czas trwania 3 lata/6 semestry
Wymagany dokument
  • Dokumenty kandydata-cudzoziemca
  • Matura lub dokument równoważny
  Zadaj pytanie
Obecnie nie trwają zapisy.

Minione tury w tej rekrutacji:
  • Tura 1 (23.05.2024 12:00 – 29.07.2024 23:59)

About studies

Admission criteria

Rekrutacja odbywa się wyłącznie poprzez stronę internetową w terminach od 23.05.2024 do 29.07.2024.

First, you need to create a profile and fill in all the fields. Then, you need to upload all the documents listed on the website in the required documents tab, click "Sign up for studies/apply" and pay the application fee.

After the amount of application fee is credited to the University account, the documents are checked for formal terms. The Admission Office verifies whether the certificate or diploma entitles to undertake studies at the chosen level, whether the language certificate is at the required level, and the authenticity of the documents is also checked.

In the next step, the documents are sent to the Faculty Coordinator of the chosen field of study. This is where the substantive evaluation of the documents takes place. The grades for individual subjects are also converted. Each application is considered individually. It is the Faculty Coordinator who decides whether or not to qualify a candidate for studies. On the basis of a positive decision of the Coordinator, the Admission Office prepares a conditional acceptance letter with payment information of tuition fee for the first semester of study.

After the amount of tuition fee is credited to the University account, the final acceptance documents needed in the visa procedure will be prepared (the final acceptance letter with a certificate of admission to studies).

After receiving the visa, its scan together with the information about the date of arrival to Poland should be immediately sent to the Admission Office, only after receiving the scan it is possible to book a place in one of the university student dorms.

Amount of tuition fees for studies

For the cycle of education from the academic year 2024/2025, the following tuition fees apply for education at studies:

First Semester: 1 400 EUR
Subsequent semesters: 6 050 PLN